Vagabond Soul
by Nick Biello
Biello’s debut release “Vagabond Soul” deftly combines a modernistic sense of harmony with lyrical, heartfelt melodies. Fueled by a diverse combination of post-bop, electronica, and folk sentimentalities, “Vagabond Soul” weaves deeply personal stories for a set of daring, bold, and unique performances. Featuring luminaries Phil Markowitz (piano), John Benitez (bass) and Clarence Penn (drums) as well as special guests Vincent Lionti (viola), Paul Jones (tenor) and Andrew Renfroe (guitar).
w/ Paul Jones, Andrew Renfroe, Phil Markowitz, John Benitez, Clarence Penn
w/ Andrew Renfroe, Phil Markowitz, John Benitez, Clarence Penn
w/ John Benitez
w/ Paul Jones, Andrew Renfroe, Phil Markowitz, John Benitez, Clarence Penn
w/ Vincent Lionti, Phil Markowitz, John Benitez, Clarence Penn
w/ Andrew Renfroe, Phil Markowitz, John Benitez, Clarence Penn
w/ Paul Jones, John Benitez, Clarence Penn
w/ Andrew Renfroe, Phil Markowitz, John Benitez, Clarence Penn
w/ John Benitez